See yourself
Whoever you are, how you see yourself, and how you believe yourself to be, you are. If you see challenges and obstacles and believe that they are overpowering for you, they are, and they will be. If you see the same challenges but change your view from obstacles to opportunities, your entire being will respond accordingly. That stressful reaction that easily turns into disappointment and even anxiety could turn into excitement and enthusiasm to look for new ways and opportunities. By changing how you receive that reaction and the feeling it awakens within you, your brain will also change its approach and address the matter accordingly.
Believe in yourself
We exercise for different reasons. Some enjoy the physical challenge, while others aim to be fit or healthy. Then, we do have professionals and enthusiasts who wish to go above and beyond to understand and cultivate their being and learn more.
Whoever you are, how you see yourself, and how you believe yourself to be, you are. If you see challenges and obstacles and believe that they are overpowering for you, they are, and they will be. If you see the same challenges but change your view from obstacles to opportunities, your entire being will respond accordingly. That stressful reaction that easily turns into disappointment and even anxiety could turn into excitement and enthusiasm to look for new ways and opportunities. By changing how you receive that reaction and the feeling it awakens within you, your brain will also change its approach and address the matter accordingly.
Mastering anything requires practice and repetition. All learning will have its own progression curve. Nothing is linear. One day, when you are well-rested and feel good about yourself, your training routine can be smooth sails and sunshine, and the next day, for some unknown reason, nothing seems to work, and you feel like taking two steps backward.
How you experience training these days will impact your success. If you put more weight on that successful training day and accept the bad as part of the inevitable but do not get stuck with it, you will progress faster. If your mind gets stuck with the bad day, it will be harder to continue learning.
A positive approach and excitement will give you lighter energy, and after a successful day, it is easier to find the motivation to move on. Unfortunately, setbacks in the form of bad days are inevitable, and we need to find resilience to continue. As human beings, we are resilient by nature. However, when mastering any skill, that resilience will be tested over and over again.
Disappointments in our abilities are normal. In the early stages of learning, we tend to have more faith and belief in our skills and abilities than when we start knocking on the doors of internalized success. The more we learn, the more we often find out there is much more to learn. Then, we need more resilience to continue after we feel like failures.
When this happens repeatedly, we should pay more attention to what we are going through. Sometimes, that overwhelming disappointment tends to happen when we are just about to push out of our comfort zone and evolve to the next level with our skills. We should pay attention inward and feel what part of our execution is lacking in its efforts. In any way, this is the moment to push through and move forward because the next level is very close.
You can see that your mind plays a vital role in this. Having a growth mindset will give you the tools to climb that mountain you need to climb. However, having a closed mindset will make you search for excuses to save you from those negative emotions failure might bring out. It is the time to put mind over matter and push through that uncomfortable state to find that new level of success and skills you aim towards. Believe in yourself! You have what it takes.
Translated in Cantonese with AI