The power of the mind
We care too much about others' opinions about us; we often put ourselves into those boxes for other people and are then afraid to be who we are for fear if our true selves are not accepted. Those social expectations we put on ourselves often in the form of assuming how others see us keep us in our boxes or cages and prevent challenging our thinking patterns and, hence, also our growth.
We need to strip down all pretense to find our true selves, and that means most likely stepping boldly into the world of not knowing. Allowing our minds to search and find and, most importantly, make mistakes. When you are boldly "stupid" and own your mistakes, you will grow out of your comfort zone, find your purpose in life, and be able to lead a life that is narrated with your own voice.
I enjoy being "stupid," for I no longer fear losing my face. I only fear losing people.
Repeated thinking patterns
We grow into certain routines and habits. Repeating that pattern of being that we are accustomed to can be called our comfort zone. When we do not challenge our thinking patterns by introducing ourselves to possible learning processes, or we only wish to confirm what we already think we know, we stick with our comfort.
Progression and learning are exciting when we are young, and in our youth, we normally have a very elastic mindset that is programmed for growth. As we grow older, our minds sometimes grow stiff and start to limit our ambitions to explore and challenge our views. We fall into the false idea of knowing it all. And that stiffness of mind is actually a self-protection method that tries to spare the ego from embarrassment.
Limited mindset
The most liberating feeling is actually openly being "stupid." I have a relatively high IQ of 160, and I used to think that I should be in a certain way because of it. I should "know," I should be “smart”, and most definitely, I should not show if I was not. That actually prevented me from learning. I only "learned" what I, at the time, believed to be right, things that supported my views. I did not dare to challenge my ideas, for I had learned most of them from people I highly respected. And after learning, I did not dare to push forward, beyond that next boundary. Deep inside, I knew that there was a possibility that I could be wrong, and I thought I would end up looking stupid. And my self-esteem was too weak to face that possibility.
That kept my thinking locked in a box. My mind was not free to question and wonder about facts; I only dared to liberate it with fiction and imagination. That all changed when I suffered a total burnout and existential crisis. My whole body was screaming, and I felt as if I was trapped in a cage, and I wanted to free myself. I wanted to learn to know how I was and what were my core values. Since I was locked in the dark for a long time, and my healing was not instant. When I broke out of that cage, I stepped into a completely new world of wonder and excitement. I found Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Chinese Martial Arts. I decided to question and allow myself to look as stupid as I needed to look in order to fully understand everything. And that has been the best decision I have ever made. I was holding back and limiting my mind this way. We, who share some limitations and partly limited mindsets, are all doing that - holding back. And one more thing, our minds are not limited in having only limited mindset and growth mindsets, we can have them both in different fields in our life and limit our growth unknowingly from “cross-contamination”. It is crucial to understand where we are coming from to generate as strong mindset as possible.
Psycho-Social expectations
In nursing school, we talked about the mind-body connection in a way that human beings are psychologically connected to our bodies and that social elements play important roles in our well-being, but I never understood holistic well-being so well before my TCM studies. All clinical work that I participated in in Beijing was actually holistic. I could see how much physiological good could be done by simultaneously addressing psychosocial connections.
Now, you wonder what does this have to do with a flexible mindset and comfort zone? I'll tell you. We care too much about others' opinions about us; we often put ourselves into those boxes for other people and are then afraid to be who we are for fear if our true selves are not accepted. Those social expectations we put on ourselves often in the form of assuming how others see us keep us in our boxes or cages and prevent challenging our thinking patterns and, hence, also our growth.
We need to strip down all pretense to find our true selves, and that means most likely stepping boldly into the world of not knowing. Allowing our minds to search and find and, most importantly, make mistakes. When you are boldly "stupid" and own your mistakes, you will grow out of your comfort zone, find your purpose in life, and be able to lead a life that is narrated with your own voice.
I enjoy being "stupid," for I no longer fear losing my face. I only fear losing people.
Translated into Cantonese with an AI