Building Self-Confidence

 "When you believe in your capabilities and are free from fear or doubt, you enhance your confidence and allow for smoother movement execution."

That quote is from my book, and I have been thinking about explaining what I mean in a manner that makes sense. Sometimes, we are victims of self-doubt and a fear of failure. In a world where everything seems better, more beautiful, and more successful, we too easily start doubting our abilities. 

If you wish to speak a foreign language, you must be bold and dare to make mistakes. 

You will learn from them, but most importantly, being bold means that your energy can flow freely and undisturbed.  You need that flow to form tones and sound confident. 

However, you may reach that energy flow only when you are without fear. If you hesitate and are shy about your abilities, that hesitation shows through your attempts, leaving the level of execution lacking internal energy and, for that reason, often incomplete. If the case is an attempt in a foreign language, you will not be understood, and maybe next time, you will hesitate even more if you dare to try again. 

That same principle applies to all skills—dancing, painting, running, singing, and even thinking. 

When we dare to step outside our comfort zone and allow the moments of awkwardness, 

that are quite typical at the beginning of any learning process, to happen, we learn and can execute the actions we aim to. 

When we look at anyone who has mastered their skills, we see effortlessness, ease, and beauty. 

We do not see those countless hours of training, sweat, hurt, failures, and pain. 

Mastering any art requires resilience, perseverance, and smart and balanced training. 

You are your best support, telling you that you can do what you aim to do. So, keep on going.

Fear will paralyze you if you let it, and you might end up in that vicious cycle of self-doubt. Unfortunately, the world is full of examples of fear in actions that aim at self-improvement. That fear and doubt may be internally inflicted and externally validated or externally inflicted and internally validated. 

For example, if you tell someone over and over again that they are clumsy and should be careful, eventually, their mind adapts and accepts that as a truth. What happens next is gradually increased carefulness in all actions. And that carefulness is often fearful, hence lacking the energy to support that action. That fearfulness shows as clumsiness and creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. That idea of being clumsy makes it less probable to take up anything new that requires learning movement patterns. That belief barely sustains the old ones. 

We should choose the words we use carefully. Instead of telling ourselves to be careful, we could try to use the words "to be in control." When we find that strong presence in all actions that creates internal support through extended structures and free flow of energy, the control we have over our actions is sure and solid, and our awareness at that moment is that carefulness. 

Self-confidence shows through in any action, and true self-confidence is beautiful and harmonious. When a person seems overly confident and arrogant, the energy flow has already been altered, and the beauty of the movement has diminished in its light. And that is mainly because, often enough, overconfidence masks self-doubt.

Balance of the mind and body in being and in all actions allows for smooth energy flow, which translates into effortlessness in movement. It also looks beautiful in any form of art.

Translated into Cantonese with AI




















Mastering anything